The most serious illness related to heat exposure is heat stroke, though heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and heat rash should also be avoided. Employers can help to reduce workplace heat stress by using engineering and administrative (work practice) controls. An engineering control can be a change in the design of a workplace that results in reduced exposure to heat. Administrative controls, on the other hand, are changes to tasks or schedules that lead to reduced heat stress.
Visit nsc.org for more resources.
The I-480 Valley View Bridge Project is in Independence, Ohio, where Champion is contracted with Walsh Construction Company II, LLC. This has been an ongoing project since 2020 and consists of Eastbound (EB) and Westbound (WB) bridges that are being fully remediated via dry abrasive blasting and application of an ODOT specified Sherwin Williams coating system. Champion is utilizing a Safe Span Platform for access as the scope is inclusive of all spans and exclusion zones. The bridge painting season begins May 1st and ends October 31st and Champion has worked diligently to maximize its efforts during this very limited period.
Champion’s crew consists of 15-20 highly skilled tradesman from the IUPAT with Jonathan Davis fulfilling role of Project Foreman. Jonathan has shown exemplary leadership skills and quality workmanship dealing with all aspects of the scope of work coupled with daily coordination with our customer. The Champion crew has currently worked over 61,000 hours with the Project scheduled to be completed by October 31, 2023.
Great job to our Valleyview Team!