Berninger Environmental (BEI), a Division of Champion, provides over four decades of professional scientist and geologist oversight experience utilizing Direct-Push technology services that offer quality, cost-effective, and discrete methods of obtaining soil, groundwater and soil/gas samples. Possessing the technical expertise developed over decades of successful performance, BEI provides clients with unique solutions, developing remedial action plans, interpreting laboratory analysis, and conducting daily interactions with regulatory agencies.
BEI staff scientists and geologists regularly complete Phase I Site Assessments, Phase II Investigations, and Phase III Remedial Actions, Subsurface Investigation Services, Geo-Probe Boring Machines to obtain soil, groundwater and soil/gas samples, as well as provide design and installation services, site surveys to develop groundwater site and contour maps, design of remedial systems, product recovery/groundwater treatment, vapor extraction/air sparging and sub-slab depressurization systems, and design, installation, and maintenance of chemical and microbe injection systems.
BEI offers full service operations with the compiling of closure reports and interaction with regulatory agencies for obtaining ‘No further action’ letters, along with system removals and final site restoration. BEI is currently registered with NYS DEC (Environmental Conservation law, Section 15-1525) for the drilling and repair of water wells under WRS Environmental Services, DBA BEI Registration #NYRD01777.
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